Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fall Fun...Part 1

Time to seriously catch up on what we've been up to lately!  Funny how blog posts write themselves in my head, but I rarely find the time to put "pen to paper", if you will.  Here's some of what we've been up to this Fall...

Our Annual trip to Apple Holler!  Though the selection of fruit seemed to be a bit down this year, we still enjoyed our trip to the Holla.  It isn't quite fall without apple trees, cider and donuts, live music and, of course, the Golden Goat Bridge.  We will continue to relive it throughout the winter as we pull out the applesauce and pie apples we've saved.  Yum!

 Just for kicks...a little trip back in the past...note the rapid addition of family members!


that's Violet in the blue snowsuit...


1 comment:

  1. Oh cute pictures! I loved the old and new ones ;) My favorite is the one of you with the baby belly and Matt!


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